How to Reset your Xfinity Router/Modem


Resetting your Xfinity router or modem can resolve various internet connectivity issues, improve performance, and restore default settings. Whether you’re experiencing slow internet speeds, connection drops, or forgotten login credentials, a simple reset can often do the trick. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of resetting your Xfinity router or modem, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.

Step 1:

Locate the Reset Button: The location of the reset button can vary depending on the model of your Xfinity router or modem. Typically, you’ll find a small pinhole-sized button labeled “Reset” or “Restart” on the back or bottom of the device. Use a paperclip or a similarly fine object to access the button.

Step 2:

Power Cycle Your Device (Optional): Before proceeding with the reset, consider power cycling your router or modem. Simply turn off the power, wait for about 30 seconds, and then turn it back on. Sometimes, a simple power cycle can resolve minor connectivity issues without the need for a full reset.

Step 3:

Press and Hold the Reset Button: Using the paperclip or fine object, gently press and hold the reset button for about 10 to 15 seconds. During this time, you may notice the device’s lights blinking or turning off momentarily, indicating that the reset process is underway.

Step 4:

Wait for the Device to Restart: After holding the reset button for the specified time, release it and allow the router or modem to restart. This process might take a couple of minutes as the device reboots and restores its default settings.

Step 5:

Reconfigure Your Router/Modem: Once the device has restarted, you’ll need to reconfigure it. Access the router’s administration interface through a web browser by typing in the default IP address (e.g., or If you’re unsure of the default login credentials, consult the user manual or look for the information on the device label.

Step 6:

Customize Settings (Optional): With the router’s administration interface open, you have the option to customize your settings, including network name (SSID), password, security type, parental controls, and more. Adjust these settings according to your preferences and requirements.

Step 7:

Update Firmware (Optional): While not necessary for the reset process, it’s advisable to check for any available firmware updates for your router or modem. Updated firmware often includes bug fixes and security enhancements, ensuring better performance and protection.


Why should I reset my Xfinity router or modem?

Resetting your Xfinity router or modem can help resolve various internet connectivity issues, such as slow speeds, intermittent connections, or devices unable to connect. It also restores the device to its default settings, which can be useful if you’ve made configuration changes that caused problems.

How often should I reset my Xfinity router/modem?

You don’t need to reset your Xfinity router or modem regularly. Only perform a reset when you’re experiencing connectivity issues or if you need to restore the device to its default settings. Regularly power cycling the router (turning it off and on) is often enough to keep it running smoothly.

How long should I hold the reset button?

Hold the reset button on your Xfinity router or modem for about 10 to 15 seconds. This duration may vary depending on the model. Refer to the user manual or check online documentation for your specific device’s reset procedure.

Will resetting my router/modem delete my Wi-Fi password?

Yes, resetting your Xfinity router or modem will restore the device to its default settings, including the Wi-Fi password. After the reset, you’ll need to reconfigure the router and set a new Wi-Fi password.

Will resetting my router/modem erase my internet settings?

Yes, a reset will erase any personalized settings and configurations you’ve made on the router, including port forwarding rules, custom DNS settings, and any other modifications. You’ll need to reconfigure these settings after the reset.

How do I access the router’s administration interface after resetting?

After resetting your Xfinity router or modem, you can access the administration interface through a web browser. Enter the default IP address (e.g., or in the address bar, and then enter the default login credentials (usually “admin” for both the username and password) to access the settings.

What if the default login credentials don’t work after the reset?

If the default login credentials don’t work, it’s possible that you previously changed the login information and forgot it. In such cases, you may need to perform a hard reset (press and hold the reset button for an extended period) to reset the router to factory settings, including the default login credentials.

What if resetting doesn’t resolve my internet issues?

If resetting your Xfinity router or modem doesn’t resolve the connectivity problems, try power cycling the devices (turning them off and on) or contact Xfinity’s customer support for further assistance. There might be other factors affecting your internet service that require investigation and troubleshooting.


Resetting your Xfinity router or modem can be a simple yet effective solution to address internet connectivity issues or restore default settings. By following this step-by-step guide, you can perform a reset with ease and regain a stable and reliable internet connection. Should problems persist after a reset, consider reaching out to Xfinity’s customer support for further assistance. Remember to back up any personalized settings before resetting and customize the router to suit your specific needs once the process is complete.

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